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RESOURCES ........................
Books for learning is important to try to understand your child's learning style and your learning style to get the best education you can.

"The Way They Learn" by Cynthia Tobias. Everyone should read this book, it's
that good!
_In Their Own Way_ by Thomas Armstrong
These are just a few of the wonderful books that I loved when starting out.
_The Teenage Liberation Handbook_ by Grace Llewellyn
_The Homeschooling Handbook_ by Mary Griffith

Here are a list of websites that are particularly good for gathering information about home-schooling.
To sign up for our e-mail list
National Home Education Network
Dept. of Education Homeschooling FAQ at the bottom of this page is the link to
Core Curriculum that Georgia says each student should know at the various grade levels
Great site, one of the oldest homeschooling sites on the internet.
Home-Ed Magazine Site, wonderful info
Free Worksheets

Typical Course of Study for all grades(what they should know for each grade)
School is Dead, Learn in Freedom(Good Info Site)

This is a book catalog company but their catalog is loaded with info, they are wonderful, helpful people, you can order the catalog from this site
Georgia Homeschooling Laws
Database of Tutors for the state of Georgia

Testing Resources
Another testing resource

 Following is list of some of those methods and links to help you
 learn more about each method and find resources to meet your needs.

 Charlotte Mason Method
 - Charlotte Mason (1842-1923) was an innovative educator who
 developed a unique approach to education.

 Classical Education Method -
 Dorothy Sayers well-known essay "The Lost Tools of Learning" is the
 basis of the new classical Christian education movement.

 Eclectic Homeschooling Method
 - An Eclectic Homeschooler is one who looks at the different
 approaches and methods of homeschooling and takes from each forming
 his own unique philosophy.

 Montessori Method
 - According to Dr. Maria Montessori (1870-1952), learning is a
 natural, self-directed process which follows certain fundamental laws
 of nature.

 Traditional or School-at-Home Method
 - Traditional Homeschools would be set up public school style with a
 complete curriculum, traditional grading system and record keeping.

 Unit Studies Approach
 - The Unit Studies Approach integrates all school subjects together
 into one theme or topic.

 Unschooling or Natural Learning Method
 - Unschooling or Natural Learning is a philosophy of child-led

 Waldorf Education Method
 - Waldorf education is based on the spiritual-scientific research of
 the Austrian scientist and thinker Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).
 According to his philosophy, man is a threefold being of spirit, soul
 and body whose capacities unfold in three developmental stages

Congratulations on your decision to home-school!!!!
Creative Homeschoolers is a homeschooling family support group that does not discriminate on the basis of race, faith, gender, lifestyle, or educational philosophy.
Because we believe that we all learn and benefit from a sharing of diverse backgrounds and belief systems.  We encourage families to share their own personal, cultural, and spiritual histories in an atmosphere of mutual toleration. We invite you to join in our open door policy of acceptance and support.
Currently we have a weekly play day at Turner Lake Park in Covington during the warm months, and at one of our members church during the cold months. We also have monthly parents night out meetings that meet at IHOP restaurant in Conyers.  Monthly field trips are being planned for the 2003-2004 school year.  This is how we support one another and get our children together.  As of now we do not have a newsletter. We have an e-mail list through Topica that we communicate through.  It works great as long as you remember to check your e-mail.  It really is the backbone of our groups communication.  Please let me know if you would like me to subscribe you to the list.
As we are a growing group we are constantly changing to meet the needs of our group. We do not have a membership application, but we do ask that you fill out the attached information sheet if you would like to join our group.  I keep it in my file on the computer and a hard copy of it in my Creative file.  It is used only for group functions and is not given to any outside source.  I hope this answers any questions you may have.  If not you may reach me at
Valerie Waters

You can copy and paste this sheet and e-mail it to me.
The information is used strictly for our files and is not given out to anyone.

Children(s) names_______________________DOB________________
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